Running a Field Business
Purification Aluminium Extrusion Raw Material Process Aluminium Trade Transportation of Raw Materials Distribution of Business Result Pengolahan Dross
Company Profile
To Produce Recycled Aluminium Billet
PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy (PT IAA) which was established on May 22nd, 2020 is a company that engaged in the sector of midstream aluminium industries. As a subsidiary of PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium (PT INALUM), PT IAA will be responsible to produce Recycled Aluminium Billet 30 tons capacity/year gradually.
IAA Casthouse Building
IAA targets the start of Commercial Operations Date (COD) in 2023.
About Us
To fulfill National Aluminium Needs
The PT IAA factory is planned to process aluminum scrap as the main raw material to be mixed with Molten Aluminium.. In order to achieve this plan, PT IAA is focusing on meeting the future national aluminum needs by creating added value for aluminum products and actively contributing to the development of the national aluminum industry cluster.
Our Product
Recycled Aluminium Billet
Recycled Aluminium Billet refers to solid cylindrical aluminium made from Scrap and Aluminium Molten, with diameters and lengths variation. PT IAA will produce Recycled Aluminium Billet with a 6-inch diameter and a length of 5.8 meters. The types of Billets to be produced include those with series 6063, 6061, and 6005.
Billet Aluminium Recycle
The business activities of the company
The field of business
Based on the Company's Articles of Association, the purpose, objectives, and business activities of the Company are to engage in industrial, commercial, development, service, and consulting businesses, as well as to optimize the Company's resources, which include:

Operating in the fields of refining, smelting, casting, and molding of aluminum and its derivative products.
Operating in the field of aluminum extrusion and similar products.
Operating in the field of processing raw aluminum materials and similar products.
Engaging in aluminum trading business.
Operating in the business of transporting raw materials and distributing the results of business activities.
October 9, 2019
The Signing of Property Release Agreement between PT Asahan Aluminium Alloys (AAA) and PT INALUM.
May 22, 2020
The Signing of the Establishment Deed of PT IAA, Notarial Deed by Mrs. Trie Sulistiowarni No. 03 dated May 22, 2020
May 29, 2020
Confirmation of the Establishment of PTIAA.
The establishment of PT IAA has been ratified by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia with the number AHU-0025331.AH.01.01 for the year 2020.
August 2, 2021
Kick-off Revamping
December 8, 2021
Groundbreaking Revamping
December 28, 2022
Partial Commissioning
January 6, 2023
Soft Commissioning
April 5, 2023
Commercial Operations Date
Producing Recycled Aluminum Billets with a gradually increasing printing capacity of 30,000 tons per year.