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The Director of Operations and Portfolio of MIND ID conducted a direct visit to the Casthouse of PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy.

Kuala Tanjung, March 2, 2023 - PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy (PT IAA) received a visit from the Director of Operations and Portfolio of Mining Industry Indonesia or MIND ID, Mr. Danny Praditya, along with the INALUM team. This visit aims to directly observe the casting process conducted at PT IAA's Casthouse.

This visit marks the close collaboration between PT IAA, MIND ID, and INALUM in efforts to strengthen the aluminium industry in Indonesia. We extend our gratitude for the support, cooperation, and synergy provided to PT IAA by stakeholders.

PT IAA is optimistic that through such visits, it can strengthen the Company's relations with industry partners. PT IAA will continue to enhance quality standards and operational efficiency. The Company is also committed to consistently delivering the best in meeting the expectations and trust placed upon it.


Memproduksi billet aluminium sekunder dengan kapasitas cetak sebesar 50.000 ton per tahun dan ke depannya akan memproduksi berbagai produk aluminium ekstrusi sebagai produk turunannya.

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