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Strengthening Industry Collaboration: PT Star Export's Visit to the Casthouse of PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy.

Kuala Tanjung, February 7, 2023 - PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy (PT IAA) received a visit from PT Star Export at the Casthouse of PT IAA located in Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra. This visit was conducted as part of the exploration of collaboration between PT IAA and international partners in the aluminum industry.

The purpose of this visit is to provide PT Star Export with the opportunity to directly observe the production machinery preparations at PT IAA's Casthouse and to obtain comprehensive information regarding the product specifications to be produced by PT IAA. Therefore, the collaboration between both parties can be strengthened, ensuring that market needs are met. This visit also serves as an important moment for PT IAA to further expand its network of business partners in the global market.


Memproduksi billet aluminium sekunder dengan kapasitas cetak sebesar 50.000 ton per tahun dan ke depannya akan memproduksi berbagai produk aluminium ekstrusi sebagai produk turunannya.

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