Adi Widodo
President Commisioner
Adi Widodo
Completed his Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Surabaya (ITATS) in 2001.
Founder & CEO di PT Interlab Sentra Solutions Indonesia (2005), perusahaan distribusi spesialis perangkat laboratorium bidang Oil & Gas Industry. Founder PT Interindo Adi Mandiri (2009) bidang Trading & Consultant. Founder PT Green Global Indonesia (2011) bidang usaha MICE. Founder PT Langit Biru Kita (2019) Computer and Information Technology & Artificial Intelligence.
Affiliate Relationships
Adi Widodo has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders at PT Indonesia Aluminum Alloy.
Meraih gelar Sarjana Akuntansi dari Universitas Jenderal Soedirman pada tahun 1997. Beliau juga memiliki sertifikasi profesional bergengsi, termasuk Certified Accountant (CA) dan Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 25 tahun di bidang keuangan, akuntansi, dan manajemen risiko. Saat ini menjabat sebagai Group Head (EVP of Finance) di PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminium, dengan tanggung jawab mencakup perencanaan keuangan strategis, pengelolaan investasi, serta pengawasan Treasury, Corporate Finance, dan Accounting & Tax.
Affiliate Relationships
Kuspriyono tidak memiliki hubungan afiliasi dengan sesama anggota Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan Pemegang Saham di PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy.
Ricky Gunawan
President Director
Ricky Gunawan
Obtained a Bachelor's degree in Accounting from the Indonesian Islamic University in Yogyakarta (1997).
PT INALUM Planning & Administration Section Staff (1998-2001), PT INALUM Planning & Administration Section Senior Staff (2001-2005), PT INALUM Assistant Manager (April 2005-October 2005), Assistant General Section Manager PT INALUM Head Office (2005- 2008), Junior Administration Section Manager at PT INALUM Head Office (2008-2009), Junior Finance Section Manager at PT INALUM Head Office (2009-2010), Finance Section Manager at PT INALUM Head Office (2010-2012), Budget Section Manager & Strategic Planning PT INALUM (2012-2013), Acting Senior Manager PT INALUM (2013-2014), Deputy General Manager of the Corporate Secretary Department PT INALUM (2014-2019), and Deputy General Manager PMO Invindo (2019-2020).
Affiliate Relationships
Ricky Gunawan has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders at PT Indonesia Aluminum Alloy.
Agus Wibowo
Operational Director
Agus Wibowo
Obtained a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University (2002).
Junior Staff Seksi Pabrik Karbon No. 1 (SBA) PT INALUM (2003-2005), Foreman Seksi Pabrik Karbon No. 1 (SBA) PT INALUM (2005-2007), General Foreman Seksi Pabrik Karbon No. 1 (SBA) Baking Plant PT INALUM (2007-2010), Junior Manajer Seksi Persiapan Karbon (SCP) Daily Maintenance, Minor dan Rod Repair Shop PT INALUM (2010-2011), Junior Manajer Seksi Operasi Karbon (SCO) Baking Plant PT INALUM (2011-2014), Junior Manajer Seksi Operasi Karbon (SCO) Green Plant PT INALUM (2014-2015), Junior Manajer Seksi Penuangan (SCA) PT INALUM (2015-2016), Manajer Seksi Penuangan (SCA) PT INALUM (2016-2019), serta menjabat sebagai Acting Deputy General Manager Departemen Karbon PT INALUM (2019-2020).
Affiliate Relationships
Agus Wibowo has no affiliation with fellow members of the Board of Directors, Board of Commissioners and Shareholders at PT Indonesia Aluminum Alloy.
Since the establishment of PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy on May 22, 2020, the management appreciates the support from all stakeholders, including shareholders, central and local governments, the surrounding community, and all members of the IAA team.