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PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy Presents Soft Commissioning in Kuala Tanjung.

Kuala Tanjung, January 6, 2023 - PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy (PT IAA) proudly celebrated its latest achievement by hosting a Soft Commissioning event in Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra. The event was held with great pride and attended by various parties including shareholders, members of the media, relevant stakeholders, and all IAA personnel.

Soft Commissioning is a crucial step in ensuring that the company's operations run smoothly. This activity involves simulating tests on a number of equipment inside PT IAA's Casthouse located in Kuala Tanjung, North Sumatra. With high seriousness and dedication, the PT IAA team has made thorough preparations to welcome the upcoming Commercial Operations Date (COD).

Through this Soft Commissioning, PT IAA reaffirms its commitment to delivering competitive quality standards in the industry. This simulation marks an important milestone in ensuring that every equipment and system in the Casthouse operates as expected, enabling the Company to achieve optimal levels of efficiency and productivity.

With full support from all IAA personnel, PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy is ready to move forward towards a bright future. Soft Commissioning is not just a preparation stage, but also a manifestation of the spirit of excellence that flows through every process of the company.


Memproduksi billet aluminium sekunder dengan kapasitas cetak sebesar 50.000 ton per tahun dan ke depannya akan memproduksi berbagai produk aluminium ekstrusi sebagai produk turunannya.

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