Kuala Tanjung, February 10 - PT Indonesia Aluminium Alloy (PT IAA) carried out the metal charging process in Holding Furnace 2 on Friday, February 10, 2023. This step is an integral part of the production process aimed at producing high-quality aluminum.
On Thursday, February 16, 2023, the team resumed the metal charging process in Holding Furnace 1. Consistency in carrying out this process is the key to ensuring smooth operations and the highest quality of the final products.
Pada Kamis, 16 Februari 2023, tim kembali melanjutkan proses metal charging di Holding Furnace 1. Konsistensi dalam menjalankan proses ini merupakan kunci utama dalam memastikan kelancaran operasional dan kualitas produk akhir dengan kualitas terbaik.
Through PT IAA's commitment to innovation and efficiency, the Company continues to strive to become a market leader in the aluminum industry. Timely and well-planned metal charging processes are concrete steps towards achieving the desired goals.